Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Caffeine on BYU Campus

         What’s your favorite caffeinated drink? Which little rush of sugar do you like to indulge in? I asked every girl on my floor in Stover Hall what her favorite caffeinated drink was and not one girl said, “I don’t drink caffeine.” Various responses were given: Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke and Baja Blast. In August 2012, the President of The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints released a statement that the church is not against caffeine and not against the Word of Wisdom. Though some people still hold fast to their opinions, there is nothing wrong with drinking caffeine and because of this fact, it should be served on campus.
            During finals week, many students resort to drinking Monsters, Red Bulls, or AMP’s. These drinks are dangerous and harmful to our bodies, because of the extreme levels of caffeine that are in each drink. “A small 2010 study found that drinking moderate amounts of caffeine, about 40 mg, improved performance on a test of reaction time, but drinking higher amounts — equivalent to the levels found in a (250 ml) can of Red Bull, or 80 mg — worsened performance on the reaction test.” Studies have shown that small doses of caffeine as in 2-3 cans of soda, could potentially improve performance, rather than drinking higher amounts of caffeine.
            Some people argue that caffeine is against The Word of Wisdom. “The Word of Wisdom is a law of health revealed by the Lord for the physical and spiritual benefit of His children” As before mentioned, in August 2012 the First Presidency released a statement stating, “the church does not prohibit the use of caffeine.” Arguing that caffeine is against The Word of Wisdom is no longer a justifiable argument, when the leaders of our church have received revelation regarding the subject.
            Though some people on campus have decided not to drink caffeine, this doesn’t mean that everyone has the same standard. When it breaks no campus rules and also doesn’t break the Honor Code, why isn’t something so basic available on campus? The argument that it is a higher law to not partake of caffeine is absurd to be the standard of the campus.
            In my dorm, Stover Hall, there are many girls with stashes of Dr. Pepper, Coke and energy drinks in their refrigerators to help with mid-day lags in productivity. The presence of caffeine on campus is definitely there, I don’t know one person that got through finals week without a bit of indulgence. Even without it being finals week, we all have days that we struggle to finish our day strong, where one soda can help us through.
            BYU has been rated on the Top 10 Stone Cold Campuses for many years straight now. BYU has some of the best students in the world and are held to very high standards that we are glad to keep because we are happier for it. These standards include modesty in all times and places, along with the Word of Wisdom and not indulging in alcohol and substances that can be harmful to your body. The students of BYU are trustworthy people and followers of the guidelines given to them. Nowhere does it say or has it said that caffeine is against the Word of Wisdom so we should trust and believe in modern day revelation and not look down or judge those that do drink caffeine.
            Caffeinated sodas could so easily be implemented into daily life on campus by stop serving “caffeine free” Coke and simply changing the label and serving regular Coke. Sodas are served in: The Cannon Center, The Blue Line, The Museum of Art, The Cougareat in the Wilkinson Center, and The Pendulum CafĂ©. We don’t even need a variety of caffeinated sodas; just the ability to obtain some caffeine on campus is a relief. If students are going to walk to J.Dawg’s or Wendy’s they might as well serve it on campus and be able to make a profit off the many people that would be happy to stay on campus and study and enjoy a soda.
            Skyler Thiot, an advertising major from Dallas, Texas, created a Facebook page entitled, “BYU for Caffeine.” Within the first two days of the site being up, the page hit 100 “likes.” After two weeks of the site being active the site reached 200,000 “likes.” This page showed the demand for caffeine is there and with it breaking zero rules, caffeinated soda should be widely available on campus without being frowned upon.
             Caffeinated sodas are a better alternative than harsh energy drinks that are being consumed and sodas are actually proven to help with productivity. With caffeinated sodas breaking no rules and the demand for the soda is there, why not give it a shot? BYU is acclaimed to be a very globally diverse campus and we should take that diversity to our soda fountains and just see the reaction that the students have.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

February Fourteenth

here are five reasons i love today:

1. my mom is here

in high school i had friends that really did not like their moms. even still i know people who wouldn't really care if their mom came to visit. i am whatever is the opposite of that. i love my mom more than i love most anyone, ever. when she comes to town all i want to do is hang ten with her. i think it comes from the year after my dad died. it was her and i, we relied on each other for almost everything.  and spent a lot of time together, mostly in her bed but sometimes we took trips or went to get froyo. now i just love her to pieces and never want her to leave this little town of provo.

2. i just found an e-mial my dad sent me on a sunday night at 8 PM three years ago entitled "Lyrics to Tie me Kangaroo Down"

sometimes i find little reminders like this of what a sweetheart my dad is. and when i say sweetheart really i just mean dork. i remember the night he sent it to me; him and i had been having a sing-a-long of sorts as we often did. i picked the songs, he played the guitar and we both sang along. this particular night we were singing Tie Me Kangaroo Down and i got bored after the first two versus but true to form dad kept on singing...all eight versus! he sent me the lyrics so i could know them for the nest time we sang the song, and now i know them all.  

3. its valentines day!

typically single people hate valentines day, but i am so happy being single that i just dont even care! i am happy for people that are happy and know that one day i will be just as happy. present nikka is happy for future nikka and that is just fine by me. 

4. no school on monday

three day weekend, nuff said. 

5. my little ca(skateboard)r got a new clutch 

nothing feels better under my left foot than four inch heels or a new clutch. so i am a pretty happy girl. 

overall life is good. as always, but today i am especially grateful for my blessings and especially my family. 

so happy thursday to you


Monday, February 11, 2013

His Will

Recently I have been thinking about the Lords will in my life. I have realized over the years that it does not matter what I want or when I want it. The Lord will take care of me and allow for me to see little parts of my plan unfold along the path. It may not always make sense and it may not always be easy, but it will work out exactly how it is supposed to.

I am grateful for a God who loves me enough to cut me down and build me up again. I am grateful for a God who has blessed me with a perfectly imperfect family. I am grateful for a God who reminds me every day that He is in control.

This video is amazing and it reminds me who is in charge of my life and why. I will never truly know what is best for me, but He always will and for that I feel extremely blessed.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15, 2010

Two years ago today I got on a kayak with my dad. It was a wednesday. It wasn't a new or dangerous outing. It was something we did after every big rain storm passed through Round Rock. It was something we did with little kids. But this time it was just him and I, and for that I'm grateful.

Dad got his work done early, picked up the kayak, and was waiting for me when I got home from school. I got out at 1:30. When I got home I went and stood behind dad who was reading an email from Aunt Karen, she has said that Nana had passed away peacefully that afternoon. Mom, dad and I talked about how we were happy Nana is with grandpa again. We lived on Whitebrush and the house was tiny, my room was just of the office where dad was on the computer. I changed, we left at 2:30 and got to the low water crossing where mom dropped us off and were in our kayak by 3.

The first little bit was uneventful, dad and I talked and laughed and shared memories. Him and I had started walking together that week so for the three nights prior I was able to spend hours with him asking questions about college, his childhood, girls he dated, my childhood, I asked everything and he told me everything I wanted to know. We set goals together, we were going to start running together. I was going to cook healthy meals for us. It was going to be a great new start!

There was a point when we were kayaking when I thought for sure we weren't gonna make it, it was about twenty yards before the round rock and it was a four foot drop straight down. I told him I was scared and that I wanted to walk around. He asked me if I trusted him and told me it was going to be fine. And it was fine because I did trust him. And he knew what he was doing. We made it past the scary part and were back on our path.

There is a park about an hour and a half down the creek that we usually stop at, but we had decided previously that since the water was so high maybe it was time to explore new territory, "we're like Lewis & Clark" he had said "off to discover new worlds" and even though I was scared and my arms hurt, I couldn't bear to ask to stop. He was so excited to be out there. And so excited to spend time with me. I couldn't bear to stop, I had to be brave, for dad.

And so I was. We went farther and farther and it got more and more beautiful. We reached a flat stretch about twenty yards long and he spotted some apartments, the Creek Apartments. He remembered them because that is where he used to pick up Brandon Chavez for mutual, he remembered the low water crossing. And it was really quite beautiful. We were fully encircled by green trees, blue skies and beautiful water.

When we reached the low water crossing, the water was rushing faster that we had realized. Dad told me we had to get out and walk to the other side, since I was in the front, I had to get out first. Our front end it the culvert and dad told me to hurry. He told me I had to get out and he would keep the kayak straight and then I would hop off and steady it while he got off.

I hesitated. I was scared. I didn't know which way to go, where to put my hands.

"I need you to hurry, Darling!" that's what he said. That's the last thing he said. The last thing he needed from me.

Right as I coiled to spring forward a rapid came, swift and from behind. That this point our kayak was nearly parallel to the culvert. The wave took our tail end under. Took my dad under and threw me into the vicious water. I knew I shouldn't bring my head up. Knew there was no room to breathe under the crossing. So I pushed my right hand far out and felt the wall. My hand slid down the wall until it ended and I was shot into the creek. Right in the middle of the rushing rapids.

Twenty feet out. I couldn't get my bearings. I couldn't decide which shoreline was closer. I tried to go one way, then the other, then back to the first way. I knew I just had to get to land. I picked a side, the side with the trees and the hill, I was closer to this side. And I had to find dad. So I went. I swam and kicked, my feet tried to find purchase on the unrelenting floor. It was hard. But I knew it was necessary.

When I reached the shore I pulled myself out, I sat down my paddle I had carried to the side, then I saw the water take it away. I almost went after it, dad told me not to lose the paddle or else we would have had to pay for it. I didn't want him to have to pay for my mistake. But then I realized that I didn't know where he was. I knew he would forgive me for losing the paddle.

I wasn't panicking yet. I knew he was okay. He always was okay. Always. I assumed he was testing me. He must have seen this as the perfect opportunity to test my wilderness survival skills. I was on a mission and I had to prove myself. So I ran through the trees. My legs got torn up by the low branches. My hands had cuts from stabilizing myself on nearby trees. But I had to go.

When I got out of the trees and back onto the low water crossing I started shouting for him "dad! Dad! Daddy! Where are you?!" no response "dad, seriously! Dad!" panicked now "DAD!! DAD!!" I was running back and forth on the bridge. I was panicked and lost and couldn't find my dad. That's when they saw me. There were men working on the Apartments. They ran over to help me.

"my dad! My dad!" I shouted "I don't know where he is! Call 911!!!" The men divided, one of them came to me. As I started toward him I saw it. I saw the kayak, pinned straight up and down, being held there by the force of the current and whatever was under the water.

At that moment I knew he was gone. I knew that this was the only possibility. There was no way he was testing me. There was no way he was farther down the river. He was there. Still in the kayak. Pinned. I ran over and pulled. As hard as I could, I yanked and heaved. The worker told me to stop, he wouldn't help me. I looked at him and with all of the authority I have I shouted "help me, NOW!" I don't know if it clicked for him too or if he was just trying to please the soaking wet, frightened, seventeen year old girl shouting at him. But he came. And with our combined efforts we were able to pull hard enough to release the pressure.

I ran to the other side and saw him face down, his salt and pepper hair, red life jacket, and orange board shorts floating quickly away from me. One of the workers jumped in, but he was too late (and didn't know how to swim) so I ran. Around to the grass past the workers into the trees into the water. I saw him and I was not stopping. Not for the rapids dragging me under or the rocks cutting my legs. I was on a mission. Then the river was too deep. I couldn't touch, I couldn't breathe, I took to the shore line. I ran, I don't know what my plan was, but I couldn't stop.

Adrenaline had replaced blood in my veins, I was ignoring the blood on my legs and the pain all over. I had to keep going because once I stopped it was over. So on I went.

Then there were two police officers telling at me to stop. Telling me it wasn't safe. The larger man took my life jacket. The other made me turn around. I fought him. I wasn't going to give up. I couldn't. I yelled at him that i had to save my dad, i just had to. He told me there was a helicopter in the sky, that they were going to find him and that I needed to call someone, my mom maybe?

My mom. My mom. Where was she. Did she know? Is she okay? She couldn't know, it had only been a half hour since we tipped, max, although it felt like days to me. I had to turn around. For her. I had to be safe, and calm to keep her safe, and her calm. That is why I turned around. That is why I stopped fighting. And stopped yelling. I had to save my strength for my mom. She needed me.

The officer helped me walk back, I was amazed at how far I had ran. Why wasn't I more tired? Why didn't my legs hurt more, they looked like they should hurt but I couldn't feel any pain. I couldn't feel anything. Then Shelia was there. She worked at the apartments. She was checking on the workers and saw me when they did. She had called 911, she informed me, she waited for the officers and she told them where I was. Shelia was very proud of herself, and although she was annoying as all get out, I was grateful for her.

I told Shelia moms number and she dialed "Mrs. Dial? I have your daughter, her and your husband Rodney were in an accident. Yes ma'am your daughter is fine. Your husband is missing, I called 911 and the police are looking for your husband now. Yes ma'am here she is" she handed me the phone.

I don't remember the details of that conversation. I remember mom was on I35 or 183 or 45 or something and I remember trying to sound calm, but mostly I remember mom telling me she felt at peace and that it was going to be okay. She told me she was going to come to me. And that she was going to call bishop Woodfield and Tracey and that she needed to talk to Shelia to find out where I was. So I said goodbye and went back with the officer, he turned on his car and sat me in the back seat. He gave me some water and made sure I was okay.

The next hour was a blur. Shelia kept talking to me. I kept trying to ignore her but still be polite. The police officer asked me questions. President Brown came. And Tracey. And Marcia Brown too. And then mom got there. She was in a maroon shirt and a skirt and I have never been happier to see her. I thought I needed to be strong for her, but I really needed her to make me strong. She was there and kept saying she felt peace. I felt panic and fear but I could tell her that. So I told her I felt peace too (fake it till you make it, right?)

We sat in the back of a car. Then the officer took a call and told us that they had found dads body and are taking him to the round rock hospital. And no they can't tell us anything until they get to the hospital so meet them at the ER. We got in a car, and Marcia drove us to the hospital. I think she broke a lot of traffic laws but I can't be sure. We got there fast. The Lush's were waiting in the waiting room. Brother Lush was our home teacher and he came to support us. Marcia traded me shoes cause my were soaked. Then they moved me and mom and all of our people back to a little waiting room.

Brother Mickelson is a doctor and so he came and told us that this is standard. They can't tell us anything until they have done everything. He went back through ominous looking double doors to find out more.

The next ten minutes we're purgatory. I wanted so badly to hope but knew it was futile. But I still allowed myself to wish. To want. What I wanted, what I would give anything for, was for him to walk through those doors and give me a big hug. But when I saw Brother Mickelson walking behind another doctor I knew that's not what I would hear.

His head hung low he said "I'm so sorry, we did everything we could, please let me know if there anything I can do for you"

I wanted to scream, to yell, to punch. But I couldn't move. I doubled over. And sobbed. For five minutes? Five hours? Who knows. But when I looked up I saw people, lots of people. But in the middle was Bailey. There were tears in her eyes and I knew she was here for me. Michelle was standing by her side with an armful of clothes. She was there for me. And the dozen other people were too.

The assistant came and asked if we would mind moving to the chapel since there were so many of us. I got up. Michelle and B took me to the bathroom, took of my wet bathing suit, I was shivering, I hadn't realized I was so cold, they put clean clothes on me, a sweatshirt and basketball shorts, and guided me to the chapel. I sat with mom as we told all of the siblings. Relived it over and over. Heard them all sob, held the boys, held elyse, we all held each other. The stake presidency gave us blessings. We sat for who knows how long and then decided it was time to leave. To go. But where? To the Laws we decided, to the house dad built.

So we got up, as a family, and walked out the doors and through the hallway full of friends, past the room where they told us, through the ER, and out to moms car.

In that moment. I didn't think I could do it. I didn't think I would be able to wake up the next morning. But here I am, two years later, still fighting everyday to live my life to make my dad proud.

And even though I wish I never had made this memory, it is the only one I hope I never forget.

Friday, September 14, 2012


When you're stuck with the mean reds and there's not a Tiffany's within an hour there's one solution. The girl that has everything and yet nothing at all. She's more lost that me and classier than you. And she is always there when you need her most. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Ms. Holly Golightely, the best friend a girl could ever need.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


So you know how sometimes people have a best friend and they think they're great? Well imagine the best friend you could want, and double it. That's right, two times the ears to listen, two times the birthday gifts, two times the people to think about you two times the closets to share, and two million times the laughter. Cause that's what i got.

We make each other laugh

We make each other cry

We make each other scream (more often than you would think)

But really we just love each other

They love me
I love them
They love themselves
It's really convient the amount of love we have

Bailey became my best friend when I was young and dramatic and has stuck around through it all.

Mel became my best friend when I was trying to be an adult and didn't know how.

Mel and I ate lots of Little Caesars 

B and I ate lots of Taco Cabana

When B would come to utah we would all eat lots at the CANC

Mel is in Texas for a month and we all eat lots of Torchy's.

They are dramatic, they are spunky, they are funny, they are sweet. They listen, they talk, they cry, they love me and that is all I need. They are cute, they are spontaneous, they are the greatest and they are mine. 

And I love them forever.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Half Way There

Welp this is it. Today's the day I go home. And it's too late to change my mind cause I'm already in Phoenix...waiting for my flight to Austin. Yesterday I moved out of the dorms and let me tell you, that was weird. (and I hate packing and cleaning and moving so like that was interesting/awful)

See here's the deal. I love ATX more than anywhere, but over the last eight months I have learned to love BYU, it feels like my home now and that is something I never thought would happen. But it did and now I'm leaving, torn between two places I love more than anything. Austin has been home for all of my childhood, but Provo is the home where I learned to be an adult. So like I'm just not sure of anything now. But I'm sure I'll figure it out, just like I always do!

Austin I'm excited to see you

Provo I'm sad to leave you

And Phoenix you're too hot for me

So there we go.
